Sryth Wiki
 Footsteps (AG) Formal Adventure?
Location: Saarngard Keep
Description: Just after midnight you are roused from slumber by the sound of footsteps in the corridor outside your quarters in Saarngard Keep...
Requirements: Must have access to Saarngard Isle
Saga: Saarngard Isle
Difficulty: Several skill/power checks at 60+, optional 9@MR 200, 4000 SP

General Information[]


If you want to beat the boss, Demonscrouge helps and high Conjuration and NV allows entanging-which blocks all attacks for multiple rounds. Most players are unlikely to win with direct attack powers.


Must have access to Saarngard Isle.


Map Footsteps

  • E = Entrance
  • O = Orbs
  • Th = Thievery
  • S = Stop

Text Directions[]

From the entrance:

  • 5E to first Orb
  • 1E, 2N to second Orb
  • 1N to hidden alcove (use Thievery 60+)
  • 1S, 3W to third Orb
  • 3W, 1N to fourth Orb
  • 1N, 1E, 2N, 2E, 1S to fifth Orb
  • 1S, 2E, 1N to sixth Orb
  • 1E, 1N to Stop


At the end of the passage you can fight Demon Serpent (9+ at MR 199-200 Approx, ~4000 SP, 257-269 XP), frequent special damage up to 27. After the battle with it (or presumably if you flee), you have to outrun a larger giant serpents that emerges in pursuit of you. You'll have to pass Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1 + Body * 1 + Spirit * 0.50). 50 or more needed to pass at intervals of 25% the length of the corridor (you start the flight with 25% already covered). First time you need 50+, second time 55+ and the third time 60+.

