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This is the second set of ten levels for Rhaknar's Mad.

Level 11[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 11

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • C = chest
  • F = wall of fire
  • H = hand impression
  • M = message
  • Y = Yisryn


The exit is to the east of your starting location, but cannot be activated yet. To the south is a short warning. Initially there are no enemies on this level.

On some spots you will encounter traps like the ones you have seen on previous levels:

  • A trap that drains between 1 and 6 points of Nevernal Reserve (seems to be random)
  • A regular trap, like the ones seen on the previous levels. Again you have to pass a Random check (1-100 + Thievery * 0.25 + Aura * 1 + Luck * 0.5). 65 or more needed to pass. You spot and disarm the trap if you pass. You trigger the trap if you don't pass. If you trigger the trap you have to pass another Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1 + Luck * 0.5). 60 or more needed to pass. You lose less SP (5 seen) if you pass. You lose more SP (15 seen) if you don't pass. You get 16 Thievery experience for every trap you manage to disarm. No experience if you trigger the trap even if you avoid taking damage.

Head to the north until you reach the north-most area. There you will find a metal chest. East and west of it are small alcoves. Use the Sparkling Gold Key you found on the previous level to unlock the chest - both it and the key will vanish, you'll get 32 general experience, and will find Flame-Emblazoned Gloves.

Next go to one of the two alcoves, equip the gloves you just found, and place your hand inside the impression that's in the alcove. You'll get 128 general experience and the impression will disappear. Then go to the other alcove and place your hand in the impression there too. You'll get another 128 general experience, the impression will vanish, and the Flame-Emblazoned Gloves will burn to ash. Nothing happens if you place your hand in the impressions while not wearing the gloves.

Once both impressions have been activated wandering enemies appear on the level, and a wall of fire blocks your way to the starting area, as you will discover if you go south enough. Walk around fighting the random enemies until only one (special) foe remains. The normal ones are:

  • Lesser Fire Elemental (9+ at MR 70-76 Variable, 80-84 SP, 9+ XP), you have to attack 1 time before you can flee
  • Fire Elemental (9+ at MR 76-82 Variable, 89-93 SP, 9+ XP), very rare special attack that does 5-10 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee
  • Greater Fire Elemental (9+ at MR 84-90 Variable, 110-114 SP, 9+ XP), very rare special attack that can do 8-13 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee

There's also one special enemy you can encounter: Towering Fire Elemental (9+ at MR 375 Exact, ?? SP), you can flee before even engaging this enemy, always prevents the use of powers, immune to magical weapons, vulnerable to Finger of Dread, Wand of Dragonfire, and random-activating special attacks of Elder Spirit Blade (V), so far, confirmed, but due to extreme amounts of SP, still undefeated.

Once you have defeated all fire elementals except the towering one the wall of fire blocking the way south will disappear. On the spot west of the exit (and east of where you started) you'll find the ghostly image of Yisryn, who is trying to tell you something, but disappears before you can hear him. You also get 256 general XP.

Note: Once you are down to one foe remaining you may have to encounter it and flee before the wall of fire deactivates.

Afterwards all that's left is to activate the impression for 384 general XP and to proceed to the next level.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 12[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 12


This level consists of three areas with no connection between them (at least initially). You start in the middle of the east part of the outer circle. The exit is in the middle of the west part of the outer circle, but cannot be activated yet.

On this level - at random spots - you will see the same two types of traps as you have seen on previous levels:

  • Traps that drain 1 to 6 points of Nevernal Reserve
  • Traps that cause damage if triggered: Random check (1-100 + Thievery * 0.25 + Aura * 1 + Luck * 0.5). 66 or more needed to pass. You spot and disarm the trap if you pass. You trigger the trap if you don't pass. If you trigger the trap you have to pass another Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1 + Luck * 0.5). 61 or more needed to pass. You lose less SP (3-5 seen) if you pass. You lose more SP (11-19 seen) if you don't pass.

Initially there are no enemies on this level.

Important: It is currently unknown if the combinations are the same for all characters, or random for each character.

In the middle of the north part of the outer circle you will find an arrow pointing 'east'. Follow it and you will find several places of interest: an ice lever that refuses to budge, a circle of engravings (similar to the teleporters seen on previous levels) and five symbols on five different places.

Use the remote you got on the previous level to set the dials on levels 1 and 3 to the 5 symbols you found. The order in which to set the symbols on the remote is the order in which you encounter them, starting from the centre spot on that northern passage of this first, outer circle, and heading east (clockwise direction). On the remote, correspondingly, set the symbols beginning at the top, selecting the next one each time you see one engraved into the floor (as opposed to trying to match the symbols according to ordinal points - NE, SE, SW, NW - on the map). Then go to the lever. If you set the dials correctly you'll be able to pull the lever. You'll hear a faint sound to the north and west. Go to where the arrow was and you'll find it gone, but there will now be a passage leading south into the inner circle.

In the inner circle is an arrow pointing west. Follow it and note the five symbols you will find at five spots (again, same principle as in the outer circle: first symbol encountered corresponds to the top one on the remote, and following through step by step, except heading west this time, or counter-clockwise). You will also find four items made of ice: an Ice Crown, an Ice Robe, an Ice Sceptre and an Ice Ring. You can't take any of them yet. Be sure to note and remember the fist-sized impression on the west wall and the circle of engravings (another inactive teleporter like the one in the outer circle).

Use the remote and set the five dials to the symbols found in the inner circle. Then go to the teleporter in the inner circle. If you entered the correct combination, then when you step inside it you'll be teleported to the corresponding teleporter in the outer circle. Go ot the lever and pull it again. The passage connecting the outer to the inner circle will disappear. Use the teleporter to return to the inner circle. Now you can collect the four items made of ice. For each of the four you get 128 general experience.

Go to the fist-sized impression on the west wall and USE the Ice Scepter (you don't have to equip it for this). You'll be teleported to the cross-shaped central area. Take a step east and you'll see a throne made of ice. Equip the four ice items you found and then sit on the throne (if you sit without equipping them nothing happens). You'll get 768 general experience, the crown, ring and robe will melt, the scepter will start glowing blue, and the level's random enemies will appear. Leave the same way you arrived and walk around the outer circle until you have defeated all wandering foes except one.

The 24+ enemies you will encounter are:

  • Lesser Ice Elemental (9+ at MR 65-71 Variable, 74-79 SP, 9 XP), very rare special attack that can inflict 13-15 damage, you have to attack 2 times before you can flee
  • Ice Elemental (9+ at MR 70-77 Variable, 88-90 SP, 9 XP), very rare special attack that can inflict 4-11 damage, you have to attack 2 times before you can flee
  • Greater Ice Elemental (9+ at MR 82-87 Variable, 104-110 SP, 10 XP), rare special attack that can inflict 7-16 damage, you have to attack 2 times before you can flee

You can use any weapon you want against the ice elementals, but Ice Sceptre, when equipped, has a power similar to the power of the Helm of Four Moons, only its power works against the ice elementals on this level. In other words every time you encounter one of the regular elementals listed above the scepter might destroy it for you. You skip the combat and receive 4, 8 or 12 general experience. While the XP reward is random it is on average far less than the combat XP for foes.

You will also encounter one special ice elemental: Massive Ice Elemental (9+ at MR 425 Exact, ?? SP), special attack can inflict up to 16 damage, you can flee before even engaging this enemy, always prevents the use of powers, immune to magical weapons; but vulnerable to the Wand of Dragonfire, the Finger of Dread, Tallys's Echoing Whisper, etc. And no, the sceptre will not destroy this one.

If you try to go back to the entrance of the level you will find the way to it blocked by a massive wall of ice, so you're trapped on this level until you defeat all ice elementals (except the special one). When the invincible massive elemental is the only one left the entrance will become accessible again, and you'll be able to activate the impression for the next level for 384 general XP.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 13[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 13

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • E = engraved symbols
  • G = Molten Guardian


You start in the middle of the east side, and the exit is in the middle of the west side.

There are 8 statues - 4 on the east side and another 4 on the west. For now they are of no use to you, but you may note the skull symbol at the base of each.

As you explore the level you'll find 4 small squares of white stone. On each are engraved three symbols: either 3 eyes, 3 moons, or 3 skulls. What is engraved on each square seems to vary between characters, perhaps depending on your dial settings.

  • Either: You may encounter wandering enemies who get progressively stronger until their MR and SP have reached their maximum values. The first one is a Massive Fire Elemental (9+ at MR 72 Exact, 90 SP, 5+ XP), very rare special attack that can inflict 14-23 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. MR will increase by 2 points for each battle until it has reached 100, SP will increase by 10 points until it has reached 150. Ergo, the strongest enemies are Massive Fire Elementals (9+ at MR 100 Exact, 150 SP, 5+ XP), very rare special attack that can inflict 14-23 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee
  • Or: Use the remote and set the level 1 dial to 'skull'. You will hear a ghastly roar and will receive 512 general experience. (You may wish to kill all wandering enemies first for the experience because this will prevent encountering any. However you may do this immediately on entering the level, no prior exploration required.)

NOTE: The other dials don't seem to have any effect here.

After setting the first dial to skull, visit the statues. Each one will turn into a molten being, and you have a choice between fleeing immediately and engaging it:

  • If you flee a glob of molten rock is hurled at you: Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1 + Luck * 0.5). 50 or more needed to pass. You avoid the projectile if you pass. You lose around 10-18 SP if you don't pass
  • If you engage it:
    • The first one is a Molten Guardian (9+ at MR 70 Exact, 100 SP, 65+ XP), rare but powerful special attack that can do 24-29 damage, you have to attack 2 times before you can flee. Each defeated guardian raises the difficulty of the next one by 4 MR and 20 SP, which means that the last fight will be against a Molten Guardian (9+ at MR 98 Exact, 240 SP, 65+ XP), rare but powerful special attack that can do 24-29 damage, you have to attack 2 times before you can flee. If you flee from combat you have to pass the same random check described above.

Every time you defeat one of the Molten Guardians, a general experience reward is received (in addition to the combat XP shown above) - these come in multiples of 32 XP (number of guardians defeated times 32, i.e., 32 for the first, 64 for the second, 96 for the third..., and 256 XP for last one). Each of these foes drops a Frosty Vial Of Blue Liquid (used on the next level).

Once you have defeated all 8, as you leave the scene of the last battle you will encounter the apparition of Yisryn, who will warn you that you are not alone in the Mad. You also get 128 general XP.

After that you can activate the impression for the next level for another 384 general XP reward.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 14[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 14


You start in the middle of the map. The exit is to the east. To the west is a chest.

The wandering enemies on this level are all Mechanical Goblins (glowing) (9+ at MR 75-85 Variable, 84-91 SP, 13 XP), brutal stroke deals around 7-11 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. Initially there seems to be an endless supply of them.

Go west to the chest. North of it is a lever that refuses to budge. To the south is a triangular socket. Use the Triangular Red Stone you found on level 7. You'll get 64 general XP and lose the stone. After that you'll be able to catch the chunks of iron and you'll also be able to move the lever north of the chest.

In each of the four parts of the map (NW, NE, Se and SW) there are two chunks of iron and an Orb of Gating (9+ at MR 84 Exact, 170 SP, 6 XP), energy attack can inflict 9-17 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. Collect all 8 Frost-Covered Chunks Of Iron. While you're at it be sure to destroy all four Orbs of Gating too - for each one you get 64 general XP and the number of Mechanical Goblins remaining will be decreased. Even after all four are destroyed you'll have some goblins left to kill, but a lot less.

Go to the lever and pull it up. Then go to the chest and open it. Put inside the 8 Frost-Covered Chunks Of Iron, the Ice Sceptre and the 8 Frosty Vials Of Blue Liquid you found on the previous level (the exact order is irrelevant). The description of the chest changes to reflect the items that have been put inside it. You also get 64 general XP for each of the three sets of items.

Close the chest and go pull the lever down. You'll hear something from the south. Go to the chest and you'll see that its description has changed. Go pull the lever up again, then go back to the chest and open it. You'll get 1024 general XP and you'll find the Hammer Of Icy Wrath (which is a weapon you'll need on future levels).

 Item 1970: Hammer Of Icy Wrath (Magical) Weapon, Bashing 

Encumbrance: 4
Melee Rating: +1 or +7
Requires 2 hands
The deadly chill of winter is imbued into this fearsome iron hammer. The leering visage of a young man, perhaps that of Rhaknar himself, has been engraved on each face of the hammer's broad, frost-covered head. This weapon is of magical quality.
Note: The above description and MR are both the original ones.

Once you have the hammer in your possession and once there are no more wandering foes left you are done here. All that's left is to go activate the impression for the next level, you get 384 general XP for doing so.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 15[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 15

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • G = ghost
  • T = takabak image


You start in the western part of the map, and seemingly all corridors lead to a dead end. Before proceeding it is strongly recommended that you equip the Hammer Of Icy Wrath you created on the previous level.

Random enemies seen on this level:

  • Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 80-90 Variable, 107-113 SP, 9+ XP), Rare special attack can inflict 5-17 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee
  • Greater Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 91-100 Variable, 126-130 SP, 9+ XP), Rare special attack can inflict 5-14 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee

Traps seen on this level:

  • Your Nevernal Reserve gets drained. You have to pass a Random check (1-100 + Aura * 1 + Mind * 1 + Spirit * 0.5). 75 or more needed to pass. Some of your Nevernal Reserve gets drained (1-3 points seen) if you pass. A lot of your Nevernal Reserve gets drained (10-15 points seen) if you don't pass
  • The ceiling collapses. You have to pass a Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1 + Woodsmanship * 0.25 + Luck * 0.5). 75 or more needed to pass. You avoid taking any damage if you pass. You take some damage (13 damage seen) if you don't pass

If you take a corridor heading east and then head north when you can you will encounter a ghostly figure. If you approach it you'll discover it is a warning someone left over 600 years ago. Nothing to do there (it might be just a hint that you need to find three items on this level).

Explore the map and carefully read the description of each spot. At some spots you'll see this line:

  • The stone and earth walls in this section of the dark passage are riddled with long, jagged cracks.

Use the Hammer Of Icy Wrath (it doesn't have to be equipped) - you'll get 32 general experience and another passage will be revealed. Break down all cracked walls you find.

There are three slabs with a Takabak image on them. At each one use the Solid Silver Feather you found on a previous level for 128 XP to All Skills and Powers and the slab will disappear. Also there's a small chance that your SP will be fully restored (the healing effect seems to be random).

As you walk around you will encounter several Stone Guardians (one at a time). Note the jagged cracks on the upper body - like the jagged cracks in the walls you've been destroying. You have a choice between fighting and fleeing. If you stay and fight, you face a Stone Guardian (9+ at MR 125 Exact, around 2000 SP, 140 XP), Frequent special attack can inflict 7-28 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee, may prevent the use of powers. For every guardian you defeat you get 128 general experience in addition to the combat one. Also, after defeating three of them you'll find a Engraved Stone Cube. Please note: While you can fight these Guardians normally it is strongly recommended that you equip the Hammer Of Icy Wrath (no combat XP penalty) as it inflicts massive damage against them:

  • Your hammer staggers the guardian with a deadly breath of stone-splitting frost
  • Enemy loses X

X is a number between 175 and 379 (lowest and highest damage seen). The hammer does not inflict every round, but it can inflict extra damage while casting - even Restoration.

Some of the Stone Guardians may be at set locations, but it is possible to encounter them while backtracking through parts of the map you have already visited, note that the Stone Guardians count towards the total number of wandering enemies.

Once you have defeated all enemies and used the feather at the three slabs you are ready to proceed to the next level.

384 general experience for unlocking the next level.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 16[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 16

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • C = stone cube
  • N = your name
  • T = takabak image


You start in a small cross-shaped area in the middle of the map. To the west is a dead end. At the other three spots you need to use the Hammer Of Icy Wrath to break the walls and open the passages. Like the previous level you get 32 general experience for every wall you break.

At some spots (the locations seem fixed) of the map you will encounter a hulking elemental, and you have a choice to engage it or flee. If you flee you take a step back. If you engage it you fight a Hulking Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 88-93 Variable, 229-270 SP, 15 XP), special attack can do 14-27 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. In addition to the combat experience you get 32 general XP for every hulking elemental you defeat.

The east corridor will eventually bring you to the exit. Since you need to defeat all enemies it might be a good idea to start with it - you'll waste a bit of time going back and forth, but you'll also encounter some of the enemies you need to get rid of.

Take the south passage and follow it, destroying walls and killing enemies on the way. You'll pass by a slab of stone with a takabak engraved on it, like the ones from the previous level. Just like on the previous level use the Solid Silver Feather and you'll get 128 XP to all skills and powers, and the slab will vanish.

Eventually you'll reach a dead end with a stone cube with a takabak engraved on it and ice covering it. Use the Solid Silver Feather - you'll get 32 general XP and the ice will melt. Then use the Hammer of Icy Wrath to break the cube, You'll get an additional 32 general XP and you'll find Engraved Stone Cube (just like the three from the previous level). Once you have the cube you're done here, so go back to the central area and break the north wall.

In the north section you'll pass 2 slabs of stone with a takabak engraved on them. Each one gives 128 XP to all skills and powers if you use the Solid Silver Feather. At the end of the passage you'll find another frozen cube. Again use the Silver Feather for 32 general XP, followed by the Hammer of Icy Wrath for another 32 general XP and the final Engraved Stone Cube. Then head back. On the way you'll pass by a spot that wasn't there before: A small alcove=, with a word written on its back wall. If you read it you'll discover that it is the name of your character - and nothing indicates it has been written recently...

Once you have taken both cubes and received all three experience rewards you have only one task left: to kill all wandering foes. The enemies you can encounter are:

  • Greater Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 93-102 Variable, 128-135 SP, 9+ XP), very rare special attack that can do 6-14 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee
  • Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 86-93 Variable, 110-115 SP, 9+ XP), very rare special attack that can do 8-13 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee
  • Grimy Mechanical Goblin (9+ at MR 53-62 Variable, 74 SP, 9+ XP), brutal stroke can inflict 8 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee

When all enemies are dead you can go activate the exit.

Note: The slabs of stone that have takabaks engraved on them and give XP for all skills and powers can also fully restore your SP. That effect seems completely random, though.

384 general XP for unlocking the next level.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 17[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 17

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • C = massive stone cube
  • G = Green Energy Orb


You start in the SW corner of the map, and the exit is in the SE corner.

There's only one wandering foe. You will likely encounter it as soon as you move north. Mechanical Goblin (glowing) (9+ at MR 125 Exact, 20,000-30,000 SP), Rare special attack that can inflict 14-32 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee, always prevents the use of powers. It is not immune to magical weapons but that makes little difference due to its huge amount of SP. Trying to kill it is a waste of time, so flee every time you encounter it, until you have destroyed all 4 orbs.

After you move north once you'll have a choice to continue north or to head east. Take the east corridor and in the middle of it you'll encounter a large orb of green energy. If you approach it the orb will attack you: Green Energy Orb (9+ at MR 100 Exact, 200 SP, combat 14, general 64 XP), Very rare special attack damages 7-25, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. If you flee from it you go back to the spot you came from.

After you defeat the orb in the middle of the south corridor you'll notice that there are jagged cracks in the wall. Like on the previous levels use the Hammer of Icy Wrath (not required to have it equipped) - you'll break the wall, opening a passage south, and will receive 32 general experience.

Go south to find another such orb. Destroy it, then go back and proceed east along the corridor. At its end if you try to go south you'll encounter a barrier blocking the way, so go north.

In the NE and NW corners of the map are the other two orbs of energy. Destroy them as well, then walk around until you encounter the goblin again. With the orbs destroyed the green aura around it will be gone and you'll fight Mechanical Goblin (9+ at MR 125 Exact, 500 SP, 74 combat, 128 general XP), Rare special attack that can inflict 19-32 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. For defeating the goblin you'll receive 128 general experience and the energy barrier sealing off the exit will vanish.

In the middle of the north corridor you can go south, into a small chamber. Inside you'll find a massive stone cube. Use the Hammer of Icy Wrath to break it and receive 128 general experience. A smaller stone cube is revealed, with a takabak engraved on top and five square sockets into the wings of the engraved bird. Use the Solid Silver Feather for 256 general experience, then use the five Engraved Stone Cubes you found on the previous two levels. You'll receive 1024 general experience and 512 to all Skills and Powers and lose the five cubes. You'll also notice a faint blue aura surrounding the Hammer of Icy Wrath - (when you equip it) its MR bonus is now +14 instead of the initial +7 (when you're in the mad, at least - outside it is still +1).

After that you can go to the SE corner and get 384 general XP when you activate the impression for the next level.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 18[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 18

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • C = stone column
  • E = Towering Earth Elemental
  • G = Greater Earth Elementals
  • L = lever
  • Y = Yirsin


This level consists of a large southern chamber and a smaller northern one. You start in the middle of the south end of the southern room.

As you walk around the starting room you can encounter two types of traps:

  • Damage-inflicting ones like on previous levels: Random check (1-100 + Thievery * 0.25 + Aura * 1 + Luck * 0.5). 69 or more needed to pass. You spot and disarm the trap if you pass. You trigger the trap if you don't pass. If you trigger the trap you have to pass another Random check (1-100 + Body * 1 + Spirit * 0.5). 64 or more needed to pass. You lose less SP (1-3 seen) if you pass. You lose more SP if you don't pass. You get 16 Thievery XP for any trap you manage to disarm.
  • Traps that drain Nevernal: Random check (1-100 + Aura * 1 + Mind * 1 + Spirit * 0.5). 75 or more needed to pass. Lose 1-6 points of Nevernal if you pass. Lose 5-15 points of Nevernal if you don't pass

In the NE corner of the room is a lever that disables any remaining traps.

There's a corridor connecting the north and south rooms. As soon as you enter it some large shapes stir in the gloom ahead. If you retreat to the south you just go back where you came from. If you stay you fight the wandering enemies, one at a time, until none are left (unless, of course, you defeated all wandering foes before entering the corridor). The foes are all the same: Greater Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 95-106 Variable, 133-139 SP, 14-15 XP), special attack can inflict 10-16 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. Once all are gone (9 total observed) you can proceed to the next area.

As soon as you enter the next chamber you see a large stone behemoth. You have a choice between fleeing and confronting the beast. If you choose to confront it the exit caves in and you face the Towering Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 219-?? Approx, around 20,000-30,000 SP), devastating blow does 16-28 damage, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee, may prevent the use of powers, possibly 18+ scaled. Defeating it is practically impossible, so flee. When you do you'll have to pass a check to get away: Random check (1-100 + Agility * 1 + Body * 0.5 + Thievery * 0.25). 75 or more needed to pass. You manage to get away if you pass.

In each corner of the room there's a massive column of stone. Use the Hammer of Icy Wrath (no need to have it equipped) to destroy each one - you get 32 general XP per column and the behemoth gets damaged, which weakens him (reflected in his description). The behemoth has 5 different descriptions:

  • The earthen behemoth, unscathed and enraged, stomps after you - full health
  • The earthen behemoth, now slightly damaged, its right arm somewhat mangled, continues to stomp after you - around 26% wounded
  • The earthen behemoth, now moderately wounded, its left leg dragging slightly, moves steadily toward you - around 51% wounded
  • The earthen behemoth, now seriously wounded, staggers along after you - around 25% health left and around 77% wounded, 3+ reportedly common
    • If you attack this version if will take at least 10 minutes, about 300 combat rounds with even less XP reward than collapsing the last pillar: Towering Earth Elemental (9+ at MR ??-282 Approx, ~2300 SP, 21 XP), infrequent special damages 19-39 SP. Becomes frequent when foe has 1% remaining, you have to attack 1 time before you can flee, Resists some powers, seems not to resist elemental fury (which does higher than normal melee damage at high levels and sometimes gets a stun special effect)
  • The earthen behemoth, now heavily damaged, lurches unsteadily toward you - around 1% health left and 3+ to hit

East and west of the behemoth's chamber are rooms where you'll find the apparition of Yisryn. If you take his hand your stamina will be fully restored and the apparition vanishes. Both apparitions vanish when you defeat the behemoth, so no reason not to use them.

The alcove with the exit is in the north edge of the room. but in inaccessible due to a barrier.

Once you have destroyed the four columns engage the behemoth: Towering Earth Elemental (9+ at MR 100 Exact, around 100 SP, 9+ XP), you have to attack 1 time before you can flee. For defeating it you get 512 general XP, followed by a reward of 4096 general XP and 1024 XP to all skills and powers. Two passages connecting the north room to the south one open up, and the barrier protecting the alcove with the exit vanishes. You can now activate the impression for the next level.

384 general experience for activating the impression for the next level.

Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 19[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 19

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • E = first engraved phrase
  • P = engraved phrase regarding the elements
  • S = statue
  • Z = NV drain trap


  • 384 general xp for using the previous level's impression.
  • NR traps: Equal/greater than 75 to pass. Bonuses/ratios - Aura 1:1, Mind 1:1, Spirit 2:1. Pass reduces NR loss.
  • Verse in corridor leaving start location, "...the inane shall covet that which will prove their demise..."
  • Think of the map as an L shape in regards to the mention of chamber locations. You start off in a small chamber then go through a corridor into an L shaped section.
Foe information
  • Basically, there is a strong and a weak form for each elemental type. They are not scaled. The stronger form is Greater Earth/Fire/Ice Elemental (9+ at MR 300 Exact, 300 SP, 26 XP). The weaker form is Greater Earth/Fire/Ice Elemental (9+ at MR ??-166 Approx, ~40 SP, 20 XP) (MR is probably much lower than this suggests).
  • You will encounter the strong form everywhere except in the area of the map aligned with the opposing element. In the area near the fire statue, the Ice Elementals will be weak, etc.
  • 32 general xp in addition to combat xp for each wandering foe defeated.
Map section info
  • SE section: Verse - " to rend earth..." , statue description - carved entirely out of magically-frozen fire, wall description - warm to the touch, use the earth sphere on the statue, the 18+ ice elementals will drop to 3+ in this section.
  • SW section: Verse - " to bury fire..." , statue description - carved entirely out of red stone, wall description - maded [sic] of damp earth and grey stone, use the ice sphere on the statue, the 18+ fire elementals will drop to 3+ in this section.
  • NW section: Verse - " to melt ice...", statue description - carved entirely out of unmelting ice, wall description - A thin layer of frost covers the walls, use the fire sphere on the statue, the 18+ earth elementals will drop to 3+ in this section.

  • At some point the two types of wandering foes can drop spheres. It seems that certain foes drop certain spheres. Ice drops fire, fire drops earth, earth drops ice. 2 runs confirmed.
  • 384 general xp for using the spheres at the statues. SE section/statue - Earth Sphere, SW section/statue - Ice Sphere, NW section/statue - Fire Sphere
  • The spheres destroy the statues then acquire a red glow after which you pick them back up.
  • Once all the foes are destroyed and the statues are destroyed the impression to the next level will unlock.
Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
More to come...

Level 20[]


Map of Rhaknar's Mad Level 20

  • U = platform UP
  • D = platform DOWN
  • E = engraved symbols
  • H = hand statue
  • O = Orb of Gating
  • P = engraved phrase
  • S = encounter with a shadow being (after you use the elemental spheres)
  • T = takabak image / encounter with Oakaruk
  • W = Web of Shadow
  • Y = Yirsin, who can heal you (not all are there from the start)


  • 384 general xp for activating the previous level's impression
  • There are a variety of foes/encounters during the "first part" of this level. They all appear to be 3+ and afford combat xp only.
  • The symbols in this level appear to display randomly for each player/character - even on reloads with the same character.
  • There are three alcoves along the south wall of the starting chamber. Also there is a verse in the NW area of this chamber.
  • The three alcoves are initially blocked. Directly in front of their entrances are symbols. Take note of them as they will come into play on this level.
  • Throughout the level are images of Yisryn. Taking his hand will restore SP but result in the image disappearing. Also there are Orbs of Gating throughout.
  • Destroy the Orb(s) of Gating for 64 general xp each. Also their destruction helps to reduce the number/rate of wandering foes.
  • There are three separate rooms with symbols on this level. One is on the east side, one on the west and one in the center which is also lower or farther south then the other two.
  • Pay attention to not only their placement in the level; that being east, center or west but also the symbols around the four corners of each.
  • The symbols on each are at the NW, NE, SE and SW corners or points. There are cardinal/compass descriptions in the text for each symbol. Note this as with the symbols in front of the alcoves.
  • To open the alcove enter the appropriate combo on the remote dial.
  • The alcoves are laid out in a horizontal line that goes east/west or west/east.
  • The first remote setting or level 1 setting for each alcove is the same as the symbol directly in front of said alcove.
  • The remaining settings are based on the three symbol chambers and are the same as the compass directions. The remote's NW setting is the same as the appropriate rooms NW symbol, the NE setting the same as the NE symbol, so on and so forth.
  • The eastern alcove uses the eastern room symbols, the center alcove the center room symbols and the western alcove the western room symbols.
  • Entering the symbols only temporarily opens the appropriate alcove. Once the remote is changed that alcove will close off again.
  • Once each alcove opens enter it and pay attention to the description of the statue inside. There is an elemental description (i.e. stone, fire, ice). Use the appropriate sphere in the alcoves for 512 general xp each. The placement of the statues varies.
  • Once all the spheres are used wander around defeating the remaining wandering foes.
  • Unsure but you probably have to destroy all the Orbs of Gating as well. There is a center chamber that hasn't been mentioned as it contains no symbols. However it contains Orbs of Gating.
  • Once the wandering foes are cleared go back to the center symbol chamber where you should've seen a Takabak image that was in front of a blocked alcove. That barrier will now be down and the alcove contains the impression to unlock the next level. You can now use the impression.
  • You may have seen a shadowy figure prior to using the impression. Once the impression is used he will approach you releasing 14 Archetype Oakaruk on you. You cannot flee them and they start at 3+ but can adapt to 8+/11+ as well as stun. You can heal between each fight though.
  • After some of them are destroyed the shadowy figure calls them off. You get 256 general xp for causing his retreat. *Then you get an additional 4096 general xp and 1024 AS&P xp.
  • En route back to the elevator up you'll notice there are now more images of Yisryn. You may also encounter some of the remaining Oakaruk. You can flee immediately or during combat though.
  • If there are remaining Oakaruk left it seems you will encounter the rest of them at the exit. While you can flee immediately or during combat they seem to stay at that location. Therefore it seems necessary to have to defeat them to leave the level.
  • You may not be able to descend to the next level, and are given a message that you must complete the Dreadstone saga with a meeting at the Goblinclaw - even if you have already done this, or you tried but Thymbrak was not there. In this case, there will be a note in the Adventure Finder that you have an encounter waiting at the entrance to the Mad. Return there to find a note, 7 Oakaruk (even if you cleared all from the level), and one Iron Oakaruk, Defeat them to read the note and continue...
Rhaknar's Mad
Levels 01 · 02 · 03 · 04 · 05 · 06 · 07 · 08 · 09 · 10 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20
21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 31 · 32 · 33 · 34 · 35 · 36 · 37 · 38 · 39 · 40
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